Functional Area | KPI | Description |
Overall performance | Sales Trending (monthly) | Monthly trend of sales in terms of quantity and value along with the trend line to indicate the performance of each month |
Overall performance | Sales and Discount Trending (weekly) | Weekly trend of sales (quantity and value) and discount |
Overall performance | Store type (business format) contribution to overall sales | Percentage of contribution to sales revenue by each type of stores |
Overall performance | Sales contribution during seasonal sales | Percentage of contribution to sales revenue by each city during seasonal sales (example, Akshaya Tritiya) |
Overall performance | Product category and sub-category performance | Monthly trend of sales by product category and product sub-category |
Store performance | Stores contribution to overall sales | Percentage of contribution to sales revenue by each location |
Store performance | Monthly performance of stores | Percentage of contribution to sales revenue by month for each store |
Store performance | Sales per square feet | Monthly sales per square feet for each store |
Store performance | Performance of each product category | Percentage of contribution to sales revenue by product category for each store |
Store performance - Staffs | Sales per employee | Average sales per employee for each store |
Store performance - Staffs | Discount per employee | Average discount per employee for each store |
Store performance - Staffs | Staff efficiency | High performing sales person based on sales value |
Store performance - Customer | Hot Customers | Top customer by sales value |
Store performance - Discount | Discount by stores (overall) | Percentage of discount to sales for each store (overall discount) |
Store performance - Discount | Discount by stores (sales with discount) | Percentage of discount to sales for each store (only for sales with discount) |
Store performance - Discount | Discount by discount codes | Percentage of discount to sales by discount code for each store |
Store performance - Discount | Number of bills with discount | Ratio of bills with discount to bills without discount |
Returns, Fraud and Loss Prevention | Sales during unusual time | Sales quantity, Sales value and number of bills posted after 10 PM and before 6 AM |
Labels: Advisory Service